1. A Masters in Higher Education is probably the most popular Masters in Education online. Such degree programs are pursued by students who seek an administrative career in a college or university. This course may also lead to various other sub-courses, including student relations.
Most people choose to major in Curriculum and Instruction. Professionals who want to assume roles involved in the curriculum of a school or school district should pursue such degrees. A lot of researching is involved in this course.
Early Childhood Education is yet another significant track in these programs. An early childhood teaching degree can be applied to the study of education for preschool levels and classes K-3. The real concern for instructors here is whether or not the graduates shall be able handle tasks pertaining to the development of educational material for little students.
4. An Educational Administration degree is designed for individuals to qualify for state licensure as a school superintendent or school principal. You may well be asked to have completed this if you try to apply for something like a principal's position. This is not a constant requirement all over the country, keep in mind.
Those who want to work with people with special needs can take up a program for it. There are also masters courses for special education for other types of "special" needs. There are in fact more varieties beyond the general "Special Education" variety, ones that actually go into more particular "Special" considerations.
One course that involves a lot of power and responsibility is the Educational Leadership course. Such degree programs then help shape educational leaders though proper thought and action. The most influential voices in education typically come from here.
Technology systems to be used in learning settings are the concern of people graduating from an Educational Technology class. Individuals in the field select, develop and implement technology systems to be used in the classroom. They also often work closely with software engineers to customize programs for a school or district’s use.
Educational modules are developed by the people who have taken up Instructional Design. Most of the people in the program come from a background where they have trained people. Those whose focus is in leadership are usually found going into this concentration as well.
Even Web-based educators have their own masters courses now. Here you become a specialist in distance learning techniques and styles. The experience of actually doing a program in the same way that you are being taught these programs should go can be quite interesting.
People who desire to concentrate on making learning modules for people from other lands should look at the Global and International Education masters. A certain openness is mandatory due to the multicultural nuances of the course. The lessons are going to feature ideas and concepts developed in other lands and cultures.
When in need of relevant info about online master degree programs, checking my site will surely help.