Monday, January 23, 2012

Important Facts About Animal Waste Removal

The waste of animals is not only horrible to look at or smell; it can also harbor dangerous germs. Oftentimes, animal wastes from bats, birds and rats can accumulate in your attic and if these wastes are not handled properly, it can pose a number of health hazards. Rather stop these kinds of problems before they start by getting an animal waste removal company to come and clean your house.

Obviously, standing animal waste is going to tarnish your surfaces and lead to serious germs in your spaces. Even wild animals like bats, pigeons and raccoons leave massive messes that ruin the safety and look of your home. Not only does the waste foul smelling, unsightly and likely to make you ill, it also ruins the insulation in your roof.

It has been shown that the feces of animals are incredibly dangerous as it houses a lot of diseases and germs. One indication that the excrement is harmful beyond its appearance is the strength of the accompanying odor. While a visual inspection of the room may reveal a considerable amount of fecal matter, a great deal of feces will be found by the animal waste removal experts that can’t be seen or easily reached.

The animals that live in your home also need a toilet. Keep in mind that most of the waste animals may leave is potentially dangerous, including their hair and skin. Nobody wants a toxic, foul-smelling build up like this in their homes.

Once you have accepted that the situation is serious, the experts will come in and take a lengthy look at your home before taking the animals out. Once the animals and excrement are out, you will need to start the lengthy reparation process. In general your chosen company will carry out an attic clean-up to get rid of the droppings and mess that have built up.

The longer the animal stays in your home, the worse the problem is. In terms of the clean-up itself, removing the waste is the next order of business. This process consists of feces and damaged insulation removal, disinfection and deodorizing and insulation replacement.

In general, the animal waste removal and clean-up process involves clean-up after serious mice infestations, removal of pigeon dropping, disinfection, restoration and replacement of insulation and removal of any accessible fecal debris and matter. Insulation material is soft and absorbent, which means that urine contaminates it very easily. The clean-up process ends with a complete deodorizing treatment to get rid of all odors.

These companies normally deal with squirrel infestation too. The problem is that these cute critters love to chew on whatever they can find. From the plants, to the furniture, to window screens and doors, these can be common targets.

More than a simple pest, they can be dangerous as well. When you think about it they are little fire starters, as they create flammable homes and then chew electrical wires nearby. You cannot solve your squirrel situation by yourself, so rather contact someone who knows what to do.

When choosing an animal waste removal and clean-up company, make sure the company has a national wildlife control training program certification, and not just pest control training. Experience is also another important attribute to look for as anyone can hire a truckload full of traps and claim to be an expert in wildlife control. A long track record of successfully solving wildlife control problems is perhaps the only true test of a company’s worth.

Want to know more about Attic Cleanup, hit the link and you'll be helped.