Monday, August 29, 2011
How Best to Deal with Men's Hair Loss
Worrying about men's hair loss is a common thing for most men in western society. Hair loss and baldness are seen as positives in other cultures, even a sign of virility. In the western world, it tends to be viewed as something men should be ashamed of or that they should try to prevent. There are lots of ways to deal with the different causes of losing one's hair. The multiple options range from hair replacement therapies to understanding the underlying cause of the hair loss. With so many options we have come up with some things for you to consider. Nevertheless, some studies will show you that using Saw Palmetto will prove a wise move on your part. When the initial discovery is made many men jump right into surgical transplant replacement thoughts. This process gives new life to your scalp by surgically implanting new follicles to promote hair growth. It has been compared with growing a garden or grafting skin. Unfortunately not every man will have the same success and some will even look worse after this procedure. There is a possibility you will look even worse than you did before with this procedure especially if it doesn't take. Some men take the implants just fine and have great hair. A few men will see obvious problems amost immediately. Definately discuss this option with a medical professional before signing on the dotted line.If you are looking for more healthy herbs, you should take a glance at Gymnema Sylvestre and read more about it.
Understanding the underlying cause of your hair loss is one of the best ways to deal with hair loss. It could be as simple as a hormone imbalance that is causing your hair loss. Hair loss is often linked to testosterone levels but other hormones can also play a role in whether or not a man will lose his hair. Be sure and consult with your doctor for options as soon as you see signs of hair loss or thinning. Bloods test can easily tell you if further losses can be prevented through hormone replacement therapies.
Stress has been proven to be a huge contributing factor in men's hair loss.
The best way to reduce your hair loss is to manage your stress levels better. If you reduce your stress levels you will also probably have a much easier time coming to terms with the hair loss that you have already been experiencing. Practice some simple relaxation techniques when life gets to be too much and see what happens. Take a close look at your average day stressors and find new ways to reduce that stress.
Your hair loss my be any number of causes. You must first understand your condition before you can possibly understand how to treat it. Your doctor is your best resource for information. If you can't find one on your own talk to your dermatologist.
The answers are there for the taking you only need ask.